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2 Types of New
Home Build Methods

Design-Bid-Build & Design-Build

Forge Projects has experience with the two most common project delivery build methods for residential homes.


This is a more conventional project delivery build method where the homeowner contracts with an architect and general contractor separately.

In the design phase, the architect drives the design process and generates prints, calling on engineering for technical specifications and validation if required.

Upon completion, the design goes to general contractors in the bid phase. The owner and architect field requests information from the contractors and ultimately chooses a contractor to work with. The selected contractor coordinates subcontractors and sees the project through the build phase to completion.

Design Bid Build Project Type
Design Build Project Type


The Design-Build method provides the homeowner with the option to work with a general contractor that oversees both the design & build phases.

Associating these responsibilities with a single entity reduces the homeowner’s workload. It also increases project efficiency as the design team and construction team come together at the start of the project instead of the middle like the Design-Bid-Build method.

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